Running Calculators
Explore our collection of running calculators designed to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Marathon Pace Calculator
Calculate the pace you need to run a marathon based on your goal time.
Half Marathon Pace Calculator
Calculate the pace you need to run a half marathon based on your goal time.
10K Pace Calculator
Calculate the pace you need to run a 10K based on your goal time.
Running Pace Calculator
Our easy-to-use running pace calculator helps you estimate your pace based on your training and fitness level.
5K Pace Calculator
Our easy-to-use 5K pace calculator helps you estimate your pace based on your training and fitness level.
Running Time Calculator
Our easy-to-use running time calculator helps you estimate your time based on your pace and distance.
Pace to 5K Time Calculator
Calculate your 5K time based on your 5K pace.
Pace to 10K Time Calculator
Calculate your 10K time based on your 10K pace.
Pace to Half Marathon Time Calculator
Calculate your half marathon time based on your half marathon pace.
Pace to Marathon Time Calculator
Calculate your marathon time based on your marathon pace.
Running Training Stress Score (TSS)
Calculate your TSS based on your heart rate and duration.
VO2 Max Calculator Running
Calculate your VO2 max based on your running distance and time.