Stationary Bike Workout

8x1 Minute Power Intervals

Eight one-minute intervals with equal rest periods, perfect for beginners to develop power and endurance on a stationary bike.

8x1 Minute Power Intervals


Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Guide:

RPE is a scale from 1-10 that measures how hard you're working:

RPE 1:Very Light - Like a casual walk, barely any effort
RPE 2:Light - Easy to maintain a conversation, comfortable pace
RPE 3:Moderate - Still comfortable, but breathing a bit harder
RPE 4:Somewhat Hard - Can still talk but getting more challenging
RPE 5:Hard - Conversation becomes difficult
RPE 6:Getting Very Hard - Can only speak a few words
RPE 7:Very Hard - Heavy breathing, can barely talk
RPE 8:Very Very Hard - Can't maintain for long
RPE 9:Extremely Hard - Almost maximum effort
RPE 10:Maximum - All-out sprint, can only maintain for seconds
Warm up
10:00 @ RPE 2 to 3
Main Set
3:00 @ RPE 4
3:00 recovery @ RPE 2
Repeat 8 times:
1. Hard: 1:00 @ RPE 7
2. Easy: 1:00 @ RPE 2
Cool Down
10:00 @ RPE 2
Total Duration: 42:00